Touch my world with your fingertips.
Sammy sat on the cafe, and just felt so upset. She had eaten up her bun for 30 minutes ago and had no more money. The magazin infront of her was boring, and it was raining. Her best friend had called 20 minutes ago to tell that she couldn't met up like they had planned, but Sammy still couldn't get the strenght to get up and go home. Mostly because it was raining. And she had her glasses on, and she hated when she couldn't see just because the raindrops landed on the glass. Why havn't any smart dude come up with the invention with windscreen vipers?! She was just about to finally get up and go, when the door to the cafe slammed. The sight that met her eyes, made her loose her breath. It was the most good looking boy she had ever seen. She didn't realized that she was staring until the boy smiled amused and started to walk over to her. Sammy felt her cheeks go red, and stared down at the magazine. Oh my god, he'd probably ask who the h.ell she was, and why she stared and ...
-"Hi , I'm Danny... Can I sit here?"
-" Pumpkinjuice!" she immediately hated herself for saying the P-word her teacher told her to say instead of f.uck. Why did it have to came now?! Awful day!!!
-"I'm so sorry that I stared, my eyes just stuck in their positions and it just happened to be at you and I understand if you think I'm a total weirdo but I'm so sorry!" she rambled, without hearing a single word he had said. And when she realized what he had said, she blushed even more. Oh god.
-" And I sometimes.. talk to much...I'm sorry." she said with a giggle, feeling like the biggest fool in the whole England. Or.. in the whole Europe. Ah what the h.ell, in the whole universe.
-" It's okey, really..." Danny said with a smile, and then did a gesture at the empty seat beside her.
"Can I sit here?"
Sammy looked at him, and then at the empty seat, and then at him again.
-"uh.. of course!" she said, with a goofy smile.
-"Allrighty... " he said slowly, while he sat down and took of his jacket. "And what's your name?"
Her name? Did he asked for her name? ... What's her name?!
-" I'm.. I'm" Samanmy?! What alien had took over her brain?! "I mean.. Samantha!"
Danny's eyes didn't leaved her face for a second, and he constanstly had this really cute smile on his face.
-" Samantha... I like it.. But I also really liked Samanmy!" he laughed. " From wich part of the world does that name come from?"
-" Of the world? You mean, universe?" she said, with an embarrassed smile. Danny just laughed at her, and suddenly Sammy felt warm. Really warm. It was like the rain outside didn't matter anymore and her glasses didn't needed some stupid windscreen vipers.
Sammy didn't come home until 10 PM, and she was so lucky that she just wanted to scream! But of course she didn't, that wouldn't be appreciated by her neightbours. She and Danny had been talking about everything between heaven and hell, and when the cafe throw them out they had just walked arround in the rain and continued the conversation. She had found out that Danny played in a band, McFly, that wasn't so big right now but hopefully would be, that he came from Bolton and a lot of other things. And... he would call her! Halle-f.ucking-lujah! Sammy had to dance a little happy dance, before she even could consider to go to bed. And when she finally did, it took a looong time before she could fall asleep.
When the telephone rang in the middle of the night, Sammy first thought it was her alarm clock. So first when she beaten the s.hit out of the clock, she realized it was the phone.
-" Oh c.rap!!!" she bounced out of the bed, and ran over to the phone and answered. " Sammy!"
-"Hi Samanmy, it's Danny..."
Her heart skipped a beat, and she gasped for air - trying to found some words.
-" Oh... oh..." Okey.. words! Alien brain, words!!! " Hi Danny!"
-"I know it's late, but I... I just can't stop thinking about you. Can I come over..?" he wondered, sounding really nervous. Sammy smiled big and started to to the riddicoulus little happy dance. "Hallo?"
She immediatly stopped dancing when she remembered that she hadn't answered the question.
-" Oh.. of course! Come over!" she could help that she sounded like a little kid someone had given candy, but that really didn't mattered. He had called her! In the middle of the night, but.. who needs sleep?! She said where she lived, and Danny said he would be there in 10 minutes. When they hanged up Sammy stood with a big smile in several minutes before she saw her reflection in the mirror. Oh holy Christ! She wasn't Sammy anymore, she was the Grinch!!! B.ollocks! When she glanced at the clock, chock number two came. She had five, FIVE, minutes before he came. FIVE! With a peep she started to run arround, cleaning and fix make-up.
And then, the bell rang.
-" Oh nooooo..." she whined, and then ran over to the door. Okey Sammy, deep breathe. Breathe out. And then
she opened the door, and there he stood. So sexy he was in the moonlight...
-" Hi there.. Samantha..." he said low, it was almost a whisper.
-" Hi there.. Danny."
It was only an awkward silence the first minutes, and the only thing that break the silence was Sammy's giggle.
But then they started to watch a movie, but actually they talked the whole film.
-" Yeah, but I do feel pity about the sharks when the dolphins..."
-"Sammy?" Danny interrupted her, and she looked suprised at him.
-" Yes?"
-" You're amazing.. do you know that?"
Sammy stared at him, and couldn't believe her ears. Was this.. happening?
-" W-what?" she stuttered.
-" You're just.. so special! So easy to talk to, so... so..." Danny couldn't find the words, but the way he looked at her
just filled in the rest. " I know we just met... but it feels so right... I can't explain..."
Sammy, who still was in schock, just couldn't find any single word. They were just gone!
-" And you think I'm a freak... I should go! " Danny got up on his feets, but didn't made it far before Sammy took his hand.
-" Danny!"
He slowly looked down at her...
-" Yeah...?"
-"Don't go."
Danny stood still for some seconds, like he didn't understood what she had said. Then he sat down again beside her. Sammy kept holding his hand, and watched him with a little smile.
-" Do you believe in love at first sight?" he wondered, whispering and slowly leaning towards her.
-" No, stupid..." she said smiling, and her words made him freeze. " I think I fell for you about the.. third sight."
Danny started to laugh, and then carefully let his lips met hers.
-" Well, Samanmy... you had me at 'pumpkinjuice'..."
Återigen en fanfic angående McFly. Skrev den till en tjej på McFly forumet för ... ganska länge sedan. Woop.
Jag ursäktar min stundtals dåliga gramatik och liknande.
Love is what I remember.
Do you remember when you were young and very pretty?
Dem låg tätt intill varandra, även fast den stora dubbelsängen erbjöd så mycket mer plats. Den gamla mannens grepp om sin tunna åldrade hustru, vars kropp verkade lika spröd som en nyfödd fågelunges, var troget och kärleksfyllt. Så många år hade de skrattat, älskat och gråtit igenom. Det var slut nu, båda visste det. Många tror att döden kommer smygandes på en, att man inte märker då man långsamt glider in i en sömn där ens trötta ögon aldrig mer kommer väckas av solens letande strålar genom särade gardiner. Det är en lögn. Man vet. Man känner det, lika tydligt som man känner att någons fingertoppar sakta stryker bort salta tårar då man gråtit.
- "Are you afraid?"
Kvinnan tänkte, att rädsla är en underdrift. Hon var skrämd från vettet.
Do you remember when I told you this that night:
That if you're by my side when everyday begins,
I'll fall for you again.
Kvinnans grönaktiga ögon blottades då hon långsamt, nästan mödosamt, slog upp ögonlocken. Hennes drag var vackra, fast numera förstörda av ålderns grymma tecken. Hon betraktade sin mans välbekanta ansikte, och lät ett tunt leende spridas på läpparna. Då hennes ögon letade sig vidare mot bröllopsfotot som hängde på väggen letade sig tårar upp på och hotade att börja ramla ner på de rynkade kinderna.
- "Are you afraid?"
Vid sin mans upprepande ord, drog hon en lätt suck.
-" Yes."
Men inte för döden. Hon var inte ett dugg rädd för döden. Det hon var rädd för, var att vart hon än kom, så skulle hon komma dit utan honom. Hon tillbringade hellre evigheten i helvetet med honom, än i himlen ensam.
Life has led us here,
Together all these years.
- Don't be afraid.
Hans röst var så lugn, så välbekant och tröstande. Den fick henne att återigen öppna ögonen för att se mot honom. Hennes underläpp, som förr varit så fyllig men nu mer var tunn och intetsägande, började darra. Tårarna var inte långt borta, de fyllde upp ögonen och hon pressade hårt ihop dem för att hindra deras nedfart. Hon förstod att hon misslyckats, då hon kände hans fingertoppar långsamt smekte bort de blöta tårarna.
- "Don't be afraid... don't."
I know the sun will rise here the next life.
As long as your still mine, then it's alright.
Hans armar omslöt henne all mer, och hon kände hur lugnet spred sig. Det spred sig runt i magen, ut i benen och armarna. Då det nådde hjärtat, log hon svagt. Plötsligt visste hon bara. Det var de här armarna som skyddat henne från allt ont. Det var det här hjärtat som hon kände slå genom hans hud, som älskat henne utan tvekan. Det var de åldrade händer som varsamt strök hennes sida som hellre skulle slå tills alla ben var brytna, innan de lät någon röra henne. Det var den här mannen, den här underbara mannen, som stått vid hennes sida utan att någonsin undra ifall hon haft rätt eller fel. Som gått med henne fast han så mycket hellre skulle gå åt motsatt håll. Han skulle inte släppa henne. Inte ens i döden.
Viskade hon. Hon behövde inte ens se hans ansikte, för att veta att han log.
- "Together."
Cause when I die, then I die loving you.
Döden kom, och den kom likt en växande vind. Hon trodde inte att det skulle kännas såhär tydligt. Hur livet långsamt försvann ur kroppen, hur all känsel och alla sinnen började suddas ut. Hon visste inte om hon blundade eller inte, och det spelade ingen roll. Även fast hon ville, kunde hon inte förmå sina armar till att ge honom en sista varm, kärleksfull tryckning. Då det sista som fanns kvar var hörseln, då det är det sista som döden tar, hördes hans röst igen.
- "I'll see you soon."
Hade hon kunnat... hade hon lett.
Love is what I remember.
Do you remember?